A fitness trainer or fitness instructor is a specialist who supervises the safe technique of performing sports exercises in the gym. He guides his clients, makes recommendations regarding the performance of certain exercises and brings them to a specific result through the performance of the workout. This profession is great for those who are interested in physical fitness and body enhancement. Fitness specialists are often former gym-goers who can’t imagine their lives without working out. Instructors can either teach one-on-one classes with a nutrition plan and personalized guidance, or they can lead group workouts. How group workouts differ from individual workouts, let’s get to the bottom of it.

What is a group fitness class?
Group workouts involve classes of a certain format, where all athletes are engaged in the same technology. For example, these are special programs for weight loss Zumba, step aerobics, BodyFit, Body Pump strength classes, or stretching classes – stretching, gymnastics or yoga. All classes are held in small groups of 5 to 12 people so that clients feel comfortable and do not disturb each other while exercising.
The main advantage of attending a group workout is first and foremost the cost of the class, it is much lower than doing it with a trainer one-on-one. There are also other advantages, why many athletes prefer to attend group classes:
Its own atmosphere, where people with similar interests, goals and desires study;
It’s always more fun to train in a group, because there are so many people in the gym;
Increased motivation, which allows you to give 100%;
a lot of different directions.
What is personal fitness training?
Personal training is individual coaching sessions with a coach who will not only monitor your every move during the exercises, but also monitor your nutrition. Working with a personal trainer will allow you to achieve results in a shorter time, because you will discuss all your desires in advance and make a program of activities aimed at eliminating weaknesses and working on weak muscle groups. Of course, for those who have never been to the gym in their life, an experienced coach will be necessary because he will not only set the correct technique, but also help to avoid possible injuries.

The benefits of going to the gym with a personal trainer include:
-Development of an individual training and nutrition plan, taking into account all the wishes of the client;
-high efficiency, because the trainer will monitor your every move
constant motivation;
-Personal schedule, which is easy to adjust to your schedule.
Many clients of sports clubs refuse personal training because of the inflated cost of classes and lack of like-minded people. The price of training is formed on the basis of the experience and skills of the instructor, he surprises you with his time, so it can not cost cheap. Most athletes prefer to purchase personal training online with a trainer, when a specialist writes out a workout program and makes a nutrition plan. This makes sense if you already have the right technique.
What are the main differences between personal training and group training?
The main difference between group and personal training is the number of people who will be involved during the class. With a personal trainer you will be one-on-one, while in the case of the group training in addition to you and the instructor in the room will be up to 15 people, depending on the type of directions. The more people there are, the less attention each of the group members gets. The choice of the type of training will depend on many factors: your desire, financial capabilities and the goals you want to achieve. In individual classes with a trainer there is more sport, while in group classes you work out not only your muscles, but also work under your breathing and endurance.
Any sport will have a positive effect on your body, so do not neglect working out and give your body at least a small amount of free time. It is especially important for people with a sedentary lifestyle to exercise. Keeping fit with such reduced activity will be a challenge.